August 23, 2015

latex2html broke my LaTeX installation on Mac OS X Yosemite

  —A remedy to correct my LaTeX installation on Yosemite.

Installed LaTeX2HTML using Mac Ports:

# sudo port install latex2html

Looked good but it messed up my LaTeX style files so that none of my LaTeX files would build.
To correct this had to take the following actions.

# sudo port uninstall texlive-latex texlive-basic texlive-bin
# sudo port install texlive-latex
# sudo texhash

No avail.

Had to reinstall several style files (e.g., etoolbox.sty and parskip.sty).
Picked up the style files from

These went into /opt/local/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex. Then

# sudo texhash

LaTeX restored and operational.

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